Monetizing Your Creativity
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Mr. Biz Radio: Monetizing Your Creativity
Unedited transcription of the show is included below:
Welcome to Mr. Biz Radio! Biz Talk for Biz Owners. During the next half hour, Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth, a leading business advisor, and two-time best-selling author will cover topics that'll help business owners run their companies more profitably and more efficiently. If you're ready to stop faking the funk and take your business onward and upward. This show is for you. And now here's Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth.
Right. Welcome to another episode of Mr. Biz radio with me, Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth. And we have a, and I know I, I, I don't say this too often, but we have a special guest this week. Some someone that has the expertise and is a guru in his space as always as, as almost all of our guests are, but we've never had someone like this on the show. Again, we've been on the show for we're, we're working on almost six years now, so it's tough to find, you know, new angles, new guests, et cetera, but this week's guest. If you're listening, if you're, obviously, if you're viewing, you can see, see him, but this week's guest is Mr. Rich Richmond, who is a drummer author speaker. And by the way, that's what he put in his bio. I did some research. He's also got acting credits.
Okay. So let's just, let's just not fake the funk here and just call him out on that. Drum magazine voted rich, one of the 60 best rock drummers of all time. And he has played on get this 1 29, not 28, not 25, 29. Number one hits. If that's not impressive, I don't know what is, let me read some names you might recognize. I don't know, maybe one or all of these names, and these are only some of 'em. I just pulled some of these off Jason Aldeen, Carrie Underwood, Ludacris, Kelly Clarkson, Brian Adams, Bob Seger, Garth Brooks, Chris Stapleton, Jewel, Miranda Lambert, Luke Brian, Alabama, Keith urban, and many, many others. So we're gonna talk with rich this week about he's also a small business owner. We're gonna talk with him a whole bunch of whole about a whole bunch of different things. Rich, welcome to Mr. Biz Radio.
Alice, thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it.
Yeah, so I, I gotta tell everyone. So I met Rich. Gosh, I mean, it was what I wanna say it's December. Here we are you know in may several months later trying to get things booked out and we were booked out ways on the, on on the show as well as I know, rich has got a busy schedule with all the it touring and doing all this other crazy stuff acting. I didn't even know about that until I was doing some, some research for the show and some prep work or whatever, but rich, why don't you let, let's start with sort of your, your entrepreneurial journey. So how did you even get into drumming? Where did that all start?
Sure, man. Well, you know, a lot of musicians say this, you know, the drums found me, you know, I saw a drum set in the corner. My uncle had an old drum set and I knew exactly what to do. You know, I was just like a, just a hyper kid. I mean type a like comic book, energy man, and my parents, God, a bless and Richard and Patricia Redmond. They were a nurse and accountant perspectively, you know, retired in Florida as they should. And they, you know, I'm a Connecticut kid, they were like this, kid's got so much energy. And my dad's like, Hey, do you wanna play the drums? I think my dad secretly wanted to play the drums, but he's like, let me live out my rock and roll fantasy through my son. So he got me lessons and I learned how to hold the sticks.
And then I, you know, was playing along with kiss records and queen records. And then I just kind of just fell in love with it at such a young, a young age, kind of found my passion, found my purpose. I kept investing with myself. I ended up getting a master's degree in, in music education and percussion and jazz from the university of north Texas. And just one handshake leads to another party to crash, which leads to another opportunity. And then every time you get an opportunity, you try to knock that sucker out of the ballpark. And if you're doing the right thing with a smile on your face and a firm handshake, you know, opportunities come your way. It's been an amazing, amazing journey. I've seen the world for free.
Yeah, I can't even imagine. I'm, I'm I'm I gotta be honest. I'm a little jealous of all that, cuz I I'll tell you rich funny side note to this. You, you mentioned, so it's funny, you said your, your parents are a nurse in and accountant. So my undergrad's an accounting. My wife's a nurse, so I I've already, I'm already relating. I'm already relating. But no, sure. So completely random off story, but you, you, you said you think secretly, your dad wanted to be a drummer, right? So we got years and years ago, we've got, you know, three, three girls, we got video game set and we got rock band. And let me tell you, I know it's nothing like playing real, especially guitar. But I started playing that and I got hooked on it and I was like, pretty much I'm a badass, like I could be a rock star. Like I, you know, I was, I was completely convinced cuz I was killing it on rock band. Like I could do this man in reality I have zero talent whatsoever, but nonetheless so I can relate to that comment you made as well, but so how did it even start? Did you, did you start playing, did you play with like a some local bands and then kind of got a break or how did it all work?
Yeah, that's kind of the journey, you know, it's like, I'm more of like tra traditional training, what they would call like classical pedagogy, you know, where it's like I took lessons and I really practiced. And then in school, you know, you join the fifth grade band before, you know, you're in the marching band and the concert band and the jazz choir and the pep band and you know, just doing everything you can in an academic situation and then always playing on the weekends, you know, playing in rock bands and original projects and, and you go to college and you know, I was playing all sorts of amazing classical and jazz fusion music and just the most difficult music I've ever Frank Zappa. Uso really I'm an overeducated rock drummer. I mean my first, you know,ueight track was,uElton John's, greatest hits.
And then I fell in love with the, the MTV, you know, and the VJ is a cute little Martha Quinn, you know, the police and Van Halen. And I was like, that's what I'm gonna do with my life. So I just kept in investing myself, taking lessons, joining bands trying to always surround myself better musicians so I can climb the ladder and kind of rise to the occasion. And you know, in 1997 I moved to Nashville, Tennessee and I started working with a gal named Pam Tillis. She's Mel Tillis's daughter. And first time I had a salary, first time I had a drum tech first, I had somebody setting up and tearing on my drum. Somebody give me a water. Here you go, Mr. Rabbit, here's your water? Here's your Fiji. And it was so fun. And, and then I met a a young Jason Alde. He was a songwriter at Warner chapel music, and we started doing showcases for him and we probably showcased for 40 record labels in Nashville. Finally got the deal. You know, he championed the same group of guys. We finished each other's sentences been playing on, played on all 10 of his records, all 30 of his number one songs. And we've been doing it nonstop for God, 18 years together. It's pretty incredible.
Yeah, that is, that is incredible. So I gotta ask, tell us like one thing, cuz we're, you know, there's plenty of us out there, including Mr. Rock band, all star right here that, you know, think <laugh>, what is it like? What, tell us at least one thing that's either really good or really bad that we probably wouldn't imagine from touring.
Well, you know, when you see the, with a band on stage at the, a norm dome or the, you know, the summer outdoor festival, you know, you're just seeing the tip, that's the tip of the iceberg. You're not seeing the, the person whose suitcase has been packed for 25 years. The person that sometimes has met a lot of just broken relationships or they're estranged from their kids, cuz they're on the road all the time. And it's just like, you're, you're in a mobile bed. That's kind of like a coffin going down the highway and you see your band mates more than you see your blood relatives and you don't know who's cooking your meal and then eventually it gets better and better. The hotels are nicer, the buses are nicer, the catered meals are better. Somebody's setting up my drums. I mean, it, it really is, you know, you do that sweat equity in the beginning and then, you know, life has been pretty cushy for the last, you know, decade.
It's been really, really pretty amazing, but it's not for the faint of heart. You know, I, I, you know, sleeping on airport floors in the early days and eating ramen noodle and maxing out credit cards. I mean, that's just all and when you're in a pursuit of the, of your dream and you're trying to bring your dreams to fruition, that's a really magical time. I tell all my students like enjoy that time because it'll get easier, but then you'll look back and go, wow, that was such a great time when you're in the midst of your struggles and bringing your dreams to fruition really is.
Yeah, I can imagine. And that's what's was so interesting when I first met you was there's so many correlations and we're gonna talk about this in the next segment as well, but between what you have done and being a business owner and being an entrepreneur and starting a business and the crap that you go through and the trials and tribulations, similar to what you just described, you know, in the music world of, of really rising up and having some crappy times and, and really struggling through some of that stuff and having some, maybe some issues with work, life balance and things like that. So, interesting stuff again, we're talking this week with Mr. Rich Redmond, you can find out more at richredmond.com, Come back after the break, we'll get a Mr. Biz tip of the week and we'll dive right back in and we're gonna talk about Rich's crash program.
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All Right. Welcome back to the show. And it is time for Mr. Biz tip of the week. And this one's a little bit blunt. You know, some of them are sometimes, you know, I like to go old school on you a little bit here. The tip this week is if you are playing not to lose, I got bad news for you. You are actually playing a game that you will lose. So you gotta take the risks. We talked about this before. There are so, and, and one of my favorite ways to put that is there are plenty of flat squirrels in the road that couldn't make a decision, do not be a flat squirrel in the road. You gotta take some risks. You gotta, you gotta, you know, they say an entrepreneur, you jump off the cliff and you figure out how to build a plane on the way down.
Sometimes you gotta do that. So you can't be too conservative if you're gonna be too conservative and play, not to lose in the entrepreneur, you know, startup business, owner realm, you're not gonna be successful. You're just not gonna be successful. It takes much more than that. So that is Mr. Biz tip of the week. Let's get back back into talking with Mr. Rich Redmond, drummer, extraordinaire, author, speaker, and actor. I'm gonna get to that as well. Sure. But I wanna talk a little bit about, so I imagine your, your C. R. A. S. H. Program came from your book, right? "Crash Course for Success". Is that correct? How'd that all come
Well? You know, it's funny is you know, it's people love or they love or hate acronyms, but they're easy to remember. So crash dance for commitment, relationships, attitude, skill, and hunger. So five things that anyone and any season of their life and any profession can use to enjoy more personal and professional success. And let's face it, both those things cross pollinate, you take the boardroom home, you take home into the boardroom and, and it really just comes from, you know, it's a, I'm a drummer crash, the crash symbol. So it's kind of easy to remember, but it's so funny. I've been doing motivational speaking for well over a decade. And the book didn't come until like three years ago. It was just like analysis paralysis, you know, just like being a perfectionist, you know, we, we need to shoot for progress, not for, for perfection, but I, I was thinking, you know, my first book, it needs to be perfect.
But then I look at other thought leaders like, you know, your Gary vs and your, you know, these guys, they just, they crank out books. And if there's a typo, there's a typo, you know, grant Cardone doesn't care about that. He just wants to get the content out there. So I finally put that sucker out there. You know, you can get it on a dead tree version. You delivered to your house from Jeff Bezos. You can have it on your iPad. Or I actually recorded the audio myself at audible.com and it's just fun. You know, there's gonna be a lot more coming. I think that every entrepreneur, every speaker needs to have at least five offerings. People wanna see those five books. So I need to get off my butt and write that next book actually just got commissioned to write a book on how to make it in Nashville as a, as a musician.
So that's due in 30 days. So that's kind of my focus right now is to crank out that book. But but no, I've been a motivational speaker for a long, long time. And I go to fortune 100 companies, everything from farmers to big pharma graduation ceremonies K through three kids. I'll share my message in big companies like Cisco Microsoft, Hewlett Packard. I do tourism bureau tourism board meetings. Like I'm heading out to Galveston, Texas, you know, tomorrow in the morning to go talk to the tourism board and then I'm gonna go speak to the Georgia association of manufacturers. And so it's a different audience every time, but the, the speeches got some nice pillars. It's got some nice tenants. I mix storytelling and motivation and music and humor. But at the same time, it's a customizable speech. So every speech is slightly different and it's, it's a very exciting thing. I love it.
Well, I love what you said about progress, not perfection. So one of my good friends says that all the time, because I am getting better at it, but that's one of the things as a numbers, nerd, accountant, you know, background, that's where I suffered from that when I first left the corporate world and was, you know, starting out on my own, starting a business, that's where I was. And it was like, man, like you said, with a book, it's funny, you mentioned Grant Cardone. So I, I go to a lot of his events and everything. And it's funny, he said one of the first books he wrote you know, was a bestseller. And he said he got all kind of haters saying, look, man, there's all these grammar errors in it. They're spelling misspelling words. And he goes, look, I didn't say best written. I said bestseller <laugh>
So, right, right.
It's a perfect example of progress, not perfection, you know, get it out there. It's funny, my last book, so I've got three, so I've got a couple more to go as well, rich. But my last book that I just put out, I procrastinated like a and I'm like, I gotta get this done. And so again, what you said related, I had committed literally to multiple people in multiple interviews that my book was gonna come out on March 21st. So I'm like the line's drawn. I'm not gonna be that guy that comes back and says, oh, I didn't get it done. So long story short, I from soup, the nuts wrote, edited, everything got started the book and got it done in 30 days. So nice. You definitely can do it. It's do it's doable. Yeah. There's a lot of, there was a lot of 20, 20 hour days in there, 20 plus hour days, but it got done. But I agree with you. I think there's a lot, especially as a speaker, you gotta have those books and you gotta have 'em in different topics and things like that. I think that's critically important. But what does your, your C a S H your crash program, what's that look like for, for people who want to go out and check it on your website? richredmond.com
Yeah. If you go to richredmond.com You could see kind of what I bring to the table as an offering for your company or your school. And you could see all the clients and it's just, it's really, really, it's, it's just a, it's just a fun thing where we talk about commitment, you know, committing to your craft, getting those 10,000 hours and 10,000 hours easily. I, I, I'm sure I have tens of thousands of hours in the trenches and relationships, you know learning about how crucial relationships are in life and how we wanna have. We wanna cultivate nurture lifelong, hopefully sincerely beneficial, mutually beneficial relationships, and then realizing how important attitude is, is in life. It's 99% of life and how enthusiasm is contagious and skill, you know, identifying the skills you need to be successful in your chosen field, and then not letting the MOS, Oscar under your feet, continually pushing and expanding.
You know, the world is moving so fast. We have to run just to stand still. So keeping up with the Joneses and the last piece, being hunger, having that fire, that burns in your ability to be successful and how passionate is your engine. And you fuel that engine with hard work. And if you've chosen the right thing that you're passionate about to monetize, it never feels like hard work, which allows you to work harder with you. A cycle of self-empowerment. It never ends. So you put that together. You can use any one of these individual things individually, but collectively you'll be non you'll be unstoppable. I mean, just use this crash. It's easy to remember, easy to implement. And as far as a live event, I've just realized people have no attention span. So I there's no PowerPoint. I'm not gonna wear khakis. I'm not wearing a headset.
Mike, I am coming out, I'm doing a rock drum solo. It's a one man rock show. I'm gonna play hit songs that you've heard, you know, every hour on the hour for the last 20 years. And then I talk about a concept and then I play the drums again. And then I talk about a concept and I even roast the CEO of the company. I have him come up and I give him a mini drum lesson in front of all of his colleagues and employees. And it kind is great for morale. Everybody leaves with drumsticks or a book, and it's just, I wanna light that. I'm not the breakout session guy. I've done those, but I just like that one hour of impact where it's like, this is everything I got. It's like Jerry Lewis, doing lunch with Tony Robbins and animal from the Muppets is on the drums. And you put that into a blender and that's, that's my keynote. And it's not for everyone. You know, there's, there's been some very conservative companies that are be like, Ooh, I don't know this guy sweats too much. He's too crazy. But for the rate companies, it's an awesome offering.
Yeah. Well, you know, that sounds like you, you mentioned and put those three in a blender. I can't even imagine. I can't even imagine that that's, <laugh>, that's gotta be quite show. It reminds me, are you familiar? Do you know or you, have you heard of Roddy Chong?
Yes. is he a fiddle player?
He's a fiddle and violinist. Yeah. With
Han. He was with Siah. Yeah, yeah, yeah,
Yeah, yeah. And he does a similar thing. He does keynote, but he mixes in his keynote with, and he's a very, I'll put it athletic violinist. He's not just standing there, you know, classical playing. Right. And he plays all the hits, like you said, and not just classical music. He tours with trans Siberian orchestra as well every year.
Oh, that's a good one. Yeah.
But, but he's got a similar type of approach. It sounds like that you have in that, you know, he has great content and it's super energetic. Like he's not again what you would stereotypically think about. So so I was curious if you had known him or, or heard of him again this week, we're talking with Mr. Rich Redman. And as he mentioned, it's R E D M O N D. You can find out more at richredmond.com. Come back after the break. And he's gonna tell us how to monetize creativity.
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All right. Welcome back to the show. And I wanna mention again, richredmond.com go out there and check out, follow him on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn. And of course he's got a YouTube channel as well. So go out and check that out. And another reminder, his book, go check out his book in the name of his book is I just had, oh, "Crash Course for Success" as he men. Yeah, there you go. As he mentioned you can get it from Jeff Bezos. Maybe not personally <laugh>, but but maybe he would, who knows? Jeff might have some time on his hands right now. But go ahead and check all those out and be on lookout for, obviously he's got a book coming up. If you are a musician and you wanna learn about how to make it in Nashville. He is a, the poster child for this, right.
He's been there done that. So I'm sure it'll be a, an amazing resource for anyone who's trying to, trying to get into that. So again, we talked a little bit during the first segment about, you know, really doing a lot of these things. And I think, you know, like you said, the smile, the attitude let alone, of course you have to be good at what you do, but you have to be skilled. You good? It can't be a crappy drummer, crappy musician and have a smile and have charisma plan to make it right. That might work for a little bit, but not, not long term. So what are the, some of the things that you've used rich to, to monetize your creativity?
Well, can, first of all, I apologize. I'm blinded about it. I can't see if you're wearing a headset, Mike, but if you are my thing with that headset, Mike is, it always makes me feel like I'm in the Backstreet boys and they're expecting joy for tone to go out and do like a dance number. So it always gets laughs at the events. I'm just so old school. I'm like a rant comedian. When I do my speeches, I like to have that handheld microphone. It's so old school. So were we talking about monetizing our creativity? Is that, was that the question?
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So how you, so obviously you, you know, again, you're, you're, you've done keynotes. You do keynotes, you drummer, you got you're an author. You're like I set a speaker and, and an actor. I keep bringing that up. So how have you been able to monetize your creativity?
Sure. I mean, you have to just kinda look at your God, given abilities, your natural abilities that make you happy that make other people happy. That affect people in a positive way and change lives. And everybody who has a purpose in life that they, and they recognize that something they're passionate about. Hopefully they've written that thing down the sooner. You can find that thing in life the better. So that's why when I talk to school kids, I'm like, what do you like kid? I was like, I'm like sports. You could be a professional athlete. What do you like kid? I like video games. I was like, oh my God, you could just, you could design the video game. You could write the music for the video game. You could act in the video games. It's like, go, wow. Yeah, anything is possible. So for me, it all started with the drums.
That's my natural ability. That's my purpose in life is to bring songs to life, to be an entertainer. I'm an arena, rock drummer who just got overeducated really. And so, so I went about this way to finally get on this path of doing exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to play Madison square garden in Hollywood bowl when I was 21. I didn't do those things until I was 41. And that's a lot of time in the trenches. That's a lot of doors that are slammed in your face. Roadblocks, you fall in love with the word. No, you just gotta dust yourself off. And then I kind of realize, all right, I love drums. This is what gets me outta bed in the morning, but what are some other natural talents? Well, I got the gift of gab. I'm a music educator with the two pieces of paper that can back it up so I can author.
I could teach in person. I could teach on a collegiate level. I could teach online, I could create programs. I started consulting for fortune 500 companies and startups. Then I started designing musical products, doing the keynotes on a regular basis. And then I was like, you know what? I've always liked. You know the idea of being maybe like an actor in a horror film, or like a comedic actor, like John Ritter or something. And one day I was teaching at the drum channel, which is this educational institution in Oxnard, California. And the cameraman was filming me one day. And he said, rich, you ever think about being an actor? I was like, I've seen every episode of three's company, like 72 times. And he goes, well, you are Lieutenant Paxton. And I said, I am Lieutenant Paxton. He goes, I need a Saturday this year where you can, you know, be this detective.
And I was like, great. You know, I said, you know, I don't have any training. He goes, you are this guy. So I, you know, I, I learn my roles. I get a coach, I buy my outfits, I get my gun training. I do the whole thing. I show up on set all professional actors, my first job. Everyone's like, Hey man, that's great, great working with you. You know, what are you doing next? And I'm like I'm a drummer man. I've never done this in my life. They're like, you gotta do this. So one person seeing something that I didn't see changed my life forever. And then within five years at great expense, I studied improv comedy and cold reading and dramatic acting in Los Angeles and the heart of Hollywood where everybody is a waiter and just wants to do one thing, which is act, which raises your, you know, the raises the bar.
And in five years I got, I was in several horror films and I got to spar with Chris Maloney from law and order SVU on a show called happy on the sci-fi channel. And I got my sag card and I'm a sag actor, which means I am serious. I am in the game. I could potentially have like a retirement plan if I get some more roles. And there's people that have been acting for 20, 25 years that I don't have their card yet. So it's just one more kind of like cherry on my creative pie. And ultimately if you are savvy in business and you can use both sides of your brain, see a lot of creatives, they only U know how to use one side of their brain, but if you can level the playing field and you know how to be diligent and disciplined and get up early and use social media and create a nice website and connect with people and, and just learn how to return messages in a timely manner and run your business as a business every day, I find myself in a cool creative situation, whether it be playing on someone's record in Nashville, Los Angeles, riding a tour bus, bringing the Jason L. Dean show to life from the backseat there, or maybe I'm doing an acting role or writing a book or teaching kids.
It's just that my it's a dream every day is something fun because I run my business like a business, which allows me to do that fun thing every day.
I think it's very interesting how you, again, it's, it's like someone who starts a, a company then they're, they're making widgets. Yeah. And you get, you get 10 years into it, and now they're doing seven other things. It's, you've done the same thing on the creative side and built this business on all these things and just stacked on top of your creativity and your knowledge. And by the way, I love what you also said about creatives being a creative, be able to think from both sides of your brain. I've got some family members, some close friends who are just amazingly creative people. And I talk to them about their business and I'm like, oh my gosh, like, how do you not understand this business aspect? Because that's, that's my side of things. Right? My creative side is like this big, right. Their creative side's this big. And I don't, for me, it's so difficult for me to have a discussion with 'em about their business. Cause I'm like, oh my gosh, how do you not understand this? Right. And I'm sure on their side, they're like you're about as creative as a rock. Okay. So just let back off, you know,
And Ken, you know, it's a trade off, man. You know, it's like the only downside of what I do is that nothing I do can scale, right? So everything I do is time is time for money, right? Which means what you gotta take really good care of yourself because the day I stop showing up, I mean, literally showing up and, and putting that, you know, using the sweat of my brow, you know, there, I have some mailbox money, which is fun, which is, comes from songwriting and product creation and book sales and kind of things like that. But when I see people go to shark tank and they've got this great widget idea, and I'm like, oh my God, this guy's great. He's gonna live in a castle. He's gonna retire at 40, but I don't wanna retire at 40. I love what I do so much. That's really the only downside sometimes of creatives is that we have to show up with our sticks in our hand or plug that electric guitar in. That's the only downside.
Yeah. Well obviously you've done a fantastic job of continuing to build on that. And you're, you can hear the passion, you know, as I'm talking with you, I, I feel it. I, I hear the passion. I could tell that you love what you do. And as you've been able to continue to stack on top of your base foundation of, of creativity and your expertise as a drummer, you know, you've continued to build with that. And, you know, I think so many people in your, in your side of the world never stack, and maybe it's because they don't sing from both sides of the brain. But if they're a drummer, they're a drummer. If they're, you know, whatever, they, if they're an artist a, a visual artist, they're a visual artist. They don't, they don't continue to build on that. And I think, you know, leads a stagnation, things like that. So kudos to you for being able to build what you have. And it's very amazing the success you had. And, oh my gosh. It's, it's an honor to have you on the show. Rich,
Thank you so much. I really appreciate it. I feel, feel like your audience is in for a treat every day. I love to sit down with you sometime and you gimme some business advice, man. That'd be fun.
<Laugh> <laugh> well, I'll tell you what, the next time in NA I'm in Nashville. I will look you up and we'll, we'll, we'll connect for dinner or, or, or a couple of beers or something like that. We make it happen.
Whiskey and cigars. Let's do it.
There you go. All right. So rich Redmond richredmond.com again, following on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube. Guys, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. And don't forget as always have a great week. And cashflow is king.
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