Relating Biz Ownership to a Political Campaign
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Welcome to Mr. Biz radio, Biz. Talk for Biz owners. If you're ready to stop faking the funk and take your business onward and upward, this show is for you. And now here's Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth.
All right. Welcome to another episode of Mr. Biz with me, Mr. Biz, Ken Wentworth. And,look, you know, we try to do this. We, we have first for you and we have a first for you on this show. So for the first time ever, ever, we're gonna have a political candidate on the show, someone who's running for Congress and here in Ohio, and we've never done it before. And I thought it'd be interesting. UI saw his platform and some of the things he stands for, I wanted to come on and have him come on because he's also a business owner. So I think correlating between a political campaign. And I'm curious to hear, you know, as a business owner, what made him have this vision to get into politics? UI, I think that'd be very intriguing and interesting for all of us. So without further ado,welcome to the show Mr. Matthew Diemer. Uhe is the, he's a candidate for Ohio's seventh congressional district. Matthew, welcome to the show.
Yeah. How you doing? Thanks for having me
Good. Yeah, yeah, yeah. So
That was a very hype music you had in the beginning. Sorry. I wanted to say, give it a shout out to made that music.
Yeah, well, that's producer in the house, producer Allen in the house, man. He, he doesn't mess around. He jazzes it up. Keeps it keeps us fresh, man. Well, before we get into all that, tell us a little bit about, so your overall like entrepreneurial journey.
So look, I, everybody, you know, I've been working, you know, I watched dishes, I, I served served tables. I cooked food, you know, I I've taught English, I've done all kinds of different things. And, but my last jobs was like in executive level management in hospitality. So GM co-assistant GM director of operations. And, you know, it really got me to learn how to organize people achieve, you know, mutual goals for the company make sure that, you know, we had, at one point I had 200 plus employees plus 48 different countries, people from 48 different countries with multiple languages, you know, we're working through, achieve the virtual goal went for my MBA. And, and when I was doing my MBA, I started a small business. It was a, a, just a podcast that grew into multiple podcasts. We wrote a book, we had blogs and so on and so forth in our that business was acquired. And so just through this whole thing, I understood like how to manage people, manage you know, P and LS. I, we started a small business. I'm also a small business owner currently. But once I started running for office in Congress, I saw that there was a big parallel between the two. And I think that anybody has a business background would do pretty good starting a campaign.
Interesting. Interesting. So I gotta ask you, so I'm, I'm based in Columbus, Ohio. I know you, you said you grew up in Cleveland, but you went to the university of Hawaii. So what kind of culture shock was it going from Cleveland, Ohio to Hawaii? Not only weather, but culture as well.
<Laugh> okay. So what a lot of people don't know is when you get into, so I was, I moved to the big island and the big island is definitely a little culturally different than Oahu. And so there's, the pigeon English was a little bit thicker, a little bit more, a little harder to understand. There was a, more like a small town feel for the big island, however so there was that kind of cultural issue with language and, and slang and all kinds of different things, you know, the July music and so on and so forth. So it was kind of interesting to understand like, Hey, this is part of the states, but then there, you see that there's a massive difference in culture, language and, and background in ethnicities. However, for me because I am a brown person to be perfectly honest with you, it was a lot easier than for me than say, my brother, who is not a brown person. So it was a different, different cultural, like I fit in a little better, everybody when they saw me, I was automatically thought of as Hawaiian. And so I opened my mouth <laugh> and then there was my brother who was obviously not from the big island with the style, you know, and everything. And so it, it was interesting to see that difference in dichotomy between my brother, myself, because we moved together going to Hawaii.
Yeah. Interesting. So I guess as a, with your experience you had mentioned, and being a small business owner, what prompted you to say, you know, what, I wanna give this simple politics thing and try,
Look, I just think we need some good people there. And also when I saw like the middle class rise in China, I was there from 2005 until 2017. I saw, you know you know, housing prices go up. I seen people that didn't have cars now have multiple cars. People that have properties have multiple properties, people's business that started out as small, become big. And then like this movement of hundreds, of millions of people out of poverty into the middle class, and obviously with a, a population of 1.3 billion people. There's a lot of people in the, the, the top of the froth of, you know, earning, earning, and income. And there's still a people in poverty. Ubut this is just a massive movement. And I saw that there was a effort from the government from,and their pro business,and free market ideas,free market, put this in air quotes, by the way.
Yeah. Just to say, pro business ideas to grow their middle class and grow their economy. And so when I came back to the us and the mainland and I saw the, you know, the middle class stagnant, or either slipping, I saw skilled labor slipping. I saw like this whole like divide, you know, education costs are going through the roof. Healthcare costs are going through the roof and all these different things. I said, well, if China is doing this and is doing it in a very efficient and effective manner, we need people to have seen that and bring that to the us to kind of, I guess, get, give more hope to America that says, Hey, this isn't just how things go. This isn't just what America is. This is a choice that we are making as America to not support manufacturing here or support the middle class, support the trades to make sure our healthcare is affordable and accessible and make sure education is, you know, being pushed to the highest extents. And so I saw the choices they made over there and the choices that we are making over here. And I wanted to bring that experience to Washington DC.
I love it. No, I think, I think that there's a definitely need for that, because I think a lot of times it's, it's like the whole mentality, right? That, you know, you talk to people that have worked at a company for a long time and they, they get that mentality of, well, this is the way we've always done it. Right. They get that we're, we're kind of stuck in this instead of having sort of new, fresh ideas. So I think it's great. And you know, I talk about it all the time is modeling expert behavior. If you have someone who's accomplished something that you're trying to accomplish, why would you not model that behavior, figure out how they freaking did it, you know, like you're talking about you saw you witnessed it while being, being there.
And also, and also with that, it's not even just modeling their behavior, but also seeing what they're doing wrong as well. There's a lot of surveillance. There's a lot of like close you know, infrastructure when it comes to like the the government and their, you know, data and things like that, which is also wrong and exploiting different companies, different peoples. And so there's those aspects as, as well. And I really love what you said, you know, when you talk about like the biggest companies, if these companies are doing it well, apple, you know, what they do, they promote from it within, they don't looks for a CEO outside because they're doing it well, they're doing it right. You know, Amazon, they promote it from within, with a new CEO, apple, they promote it from within new CEO, Google promote it within, if your company's not doing so well, what you do is you look outside and try to figure out who's gonna come in and just kind of like give it a kickstart, you know, Yahoo did that multiple times unsuccessfully and other companies do that as well.
And I think that right now, what we have to do is we have to get out of the kind of bubble of like, Hey, you know, the, the America in it's the best place to live in the world, hands down. I would not wanna live anywhere else then right here in the United States. But with that said, are we doing everything perfect? And if we are not, do we to continue with the old guard, the old ways, the old, you know, kind of ideologies, or do we actually bring people that might wanna just maybe give it a little kickstart to get us into a new direction? And I think that's where we're at.
No, I agree. A hundred percent. I think I don't wanna go too far down that rabbit hole, but I think you know, I'm, I'm a big believer in term limits. I think part of it is keeping that agreed. This is the way we've always done it. Mentality is when you have people who have been politicians for, you know, 25, 30, sometimes 40 freaking years, it's like, how do you get fresh blood in? How do you get new thinking new ideas? If you have people that have been there for 40, you know, been doing the same thing for 30 or 40 years
Now, I know we're coming up to the break here really quick, but here's my idea for tumor moments. I have four term limits, but I think it should be five terms for the house, which is 10 years, two terms for the Senate, which is 12 years and 18 years for SCOTUS, of course, keeping the eight years for president. What do you think?
I agree. I agree. Yeah. I don't, I want people to have a runway, right. To have, to be able to accomplish things, right. You can't just get in and serve one term and be able to accomplish everything you want. So, yeah, I think just limits just, you can't be a politician for 30 or 40 years is what I'm saying, but yeah, absolutely. Give them some runway to be able to accomplish some things, get some things established and really be able to help and then hopefully be able to transition to, to, to a new candidate. Well, we are up against the break here again, we're talking this week with Mr. Matthew Diemer, you can find out more at diemerforcongress.com. That's Diemer for congress.com. And actually his last thing was spelled if you're not watching this video it's D I E M E R it's D I E M E R, diemerforcongress.com. Check that out. You can find out all bus platform, but we're gonna talk about it. We're gonna come back after the break. We're gonna the Mr. Biz tip of the week, and then we're gonna talk about more of his platform and how, how running a business is like running a campaign.
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All right. Welcome back to the show. It's time with Mr. Biz tip of the week. This week's tip is actually a quote from none of them, Mr. The late great Steve jobs. And it's one of my favorite quotes, top 10 quote. I use it all time. My, my kids, the, the biz kids are probably sick of hearing it. My wife, I know is sick of hearing it. But the quote is, if you don't ask the answer is always no, too many times we have ideas. We wanna do something and we think, oh, so, and so would never get back to me or, oh, they'd never return my phone call. They'll never, you know, listen to my email or, or see my email or, or listen to what I'd say. If you don't ask, the answer is always no always known. You gotta take those chances. You gotta reach out.
You gotta make things happen. The worst thing that happens, they ignore you. Or they say no, but if you don't ask, you'll never know. So don't be afraid to reach out and branch out and do those things. If you don't ask the answers, always, no, keep that in mind. That is the Mr. Biz tip slash quote of the week. So let's get back into talking with this week's guest, Mr. Matthew Diemer. So Matthew you've mentioned you alluded a little bit during the first segment of being a business owner and the correlations of that to running a campaign. Walk us through that a little bit. How is, how is running a business like running a campaign
First? I wanna go back to your, your, your Mr. Biz statement of the week. If you don't ask the answer is always no. One thing that we learned very early on running a campaign is you have to do call time. A lot of people don't know that can to spend hours every day, just calling random people and asking them for support or money or volunteer services or, or, or something like that. And we have learned to ask, we ask, we make the ask and that's about it. You ask for $400, you ask for $500. Sometimes you ask for up to $2,900, and that's from people you just never met before. And so you always have to ask, and you'll be surprised when you ask some people go, okay. And you wonder why they're giving you 250 bucks and you just, you never met 'em.
But again, like you just said, if you don't ask the answer is always no. But to answer your question about how rent campaign is like a business, look with everything that you have, you have to balance a budget. You also have to manage people. You also have to manage expectations and that's expectations of the staff expectations of volunteers, expectations of people that you're working with, if it's democratic clubs or businesses, or what, what have you going there to do events or go in there and have some kind of exchange of ideas. And, and you have to manage that throughout the whole campaign. And so when you start a business, you don't understand that you're starting with so much, either capital, either have a seed round, or you have your own money in your bank account, and you manage that properly.
You try to figure out how you're gonna maximize every dollar until you start building that up. Now, some campaigns will get into like the millions of dollars. And so once you have bigger runways and bigger budgets you can do a lot of different things when it comes to advertising, hiring people and so on and so forth and acquiring that that labor, those, that skill that comes from hiring those better. Those, I don't wanna say better people, those people with more experience or have done this, or have some sort of niche in there. But if you don't have that kind of money, you actually, you have to work kind of like in a different way. And I call it like a, we're running our campaign, to be honest with you, like a small scrappy startup. And that's actually where I thrive is small groups.
Everything's open, everything's transparent and everything's communicated. Also we have a budget. We we're, we're making decent fundraising, but we're not like, like Tim Ryan, where we have millions and millions and millions of dollars a quarter. But so we have to be very cognitive of how we're spending that dollar. How far can we stretch that dollar? Where do we put that dollar go to? Where can we put that dollar to maximize our goals and that goals for that certain time of the campaign. And so I think that anybody who has, who has ran a business or a small business understands not only the hustle, but that balance of people, time, expectations, and also keeping motivation. This is like a, of a marathon. It's not just a sprint. And so if you have a business, you're not like, okay, I'm gonna make a million dollars overnight.
I'm gonna open up my store and I'm gonna open the doors and everybody's gonna rush in and buy all my stuff. And next thing you know, I'm just retiring with a, you know, Lambo and a, and a yacht that's not gonna happen. You have to make sure that you have longevity to that. And that's making sure that people, you know, have time also making sure that there's, they keep engaged, they keep motivated. And sometimes you're not motivated. You're not motivated as, as the, say, the boss, the CEO, the candidate, and, and you have to continue to still make that. So it's almost like a symbiotic relationship between you and the the team. And that's why like a small scrappy startup because you do have that close personal relationship other than like a big top talent, big structure where you kind of lose touch with a lot of different people, but that you get that too with the bigger, bigger campaigns, bigger organizations.
And so that's how, how I, I kind of feel edited as it is. And then when you go into that, with that mindset, that I'm gonna start a, a startup, I'm gonna have this much capital. I have to raise funds. I have to think of branding and marketing and messaging. And I gotta go there other and sell the product and sell the product that you are selling is not just yourself, but what you're saying then I think that you look at this a different way and you make sure that you are creating something special.
Yeah. I love that. And I can definitely see that as you were talking the correlation between us exactly. Before you even said it, I was thinking, as you were speaking, is the, the correlation between like a startup, you know, campaign would be like a, a star startup company. So I could absolutely see that. So I guess, along those lines in maximizing your donor, think how much are you U utilizing social media for your, for your campaign?
Well, there's the free aspect of social media and there's the paid aspect of social media and the free aspect of obviously use it to to people where we are, what we're doing, keep everybody like, you know, up to date with the campaign going, and then there's the paid aspect and the paid aspect for a campaign purpose. Usually you use paid aspects for money raising purposes. Yeah. And so the, the, I guess the metric for campaigns, if you put a dollar in, you wanna get a dollar 50 out. And so that's what you kind of look at when you look at any kinda social media, and then you just kinda like balance what you put in there. You might put $10,000 into the social media. Hopefully you get $15,000 out, you have $5,000 spent, and then you put that 15 back into social media. Hopefully you get, you know, 22, 5 out. And so then that's just this whole game that you keep playing throughout the campaign. And, and you use that for different purposes for Spence, for expense purposes for staff, or just to say, Hey, we raise this much in a quarter.
Yeah, it's interesting. I actually was at an event a couple years ago and the guy who was the social media manager for Trump's presidential campaign, his name's Brad Parscale had never heard of the guy. I'm like why it was a business conference, entrepreneurial conference. I'm like, why is this guy coming? It was absolutely fascinating talking about how they managed their social media and how it from a lot of things they were doing there using Cambridge, Cambridge analytics. And it was fascinating to hear because there were so many, as you were mentioning so many business aspects that they were applying to their campaign spend, it was very fascinating to hear.
And, and, and I do wanna go back to that when you say Cambridge Analytica and, and, and things like that people should be aware of what campaigns have access to when it comes to your data and how your data does get there. Yeah. And I think that that is something that we really have to address as, as a nation. And as, and for campaigns and for businesses, look, no business wants to get rid of that data of, you know, that they can acquire to understand how to, you know, hyper target individuals and of certain either persuasions or, or, or, or spending patterns or habits. But just know that you think that apple has that data and Google has that data, but also bigger campaigns, like the Trump campaign, the Tim Ryan campaign, the biting campaign has that same data. And they know exactly how you lean, what you think, what you buy, what you purchase, what you will purchase, what you might purchase. And that's how they're targeting you to, to figure out how you will vote.
Yeah. It was super interesting. I mean, you know, and again, it goes back to just like how businesses would manage their social media, paid ads on social media for their business. You know, he was talking about very specific data on, we figured out, you know, we being, they figured out that someone who had these four characteristics would give this this much more than other people. So then they just, you know, they continued to funnel that down to get whittled down. And, you know, he said at one point that they were spending, you mentioned get a dollar $50, they got to the point where they were getting $13 for every dollar they put in. I mean, it was like, that's, that's amazing. That's amazing. Yeah. Call that guy. Yeah. Yeah. It's like, no wonder that, you know, they, that campaign raised so much dang money you know, with, with that kind of fire power behind and the guys like I said, his name is Brad.
Parscale very fascinating guy, very interesting guy. He's like six, eight, he's a giant very interesting guy. But anyway so we're against the break in here. Again, we're talking with , Matthew Diemer, you can find out more at diemerforcongress.com. That's diemerforcongress.com. And again, his last name's called D I E M E R diemerforcongress.com. Uwe're gonna hit a break. We're gonna come back and we're gonna talk about some of the actual things on Matthew's platform. Some of the things that he's running behind. UI know just to give you a little bit of a tease, the broken connection between people and government is a big part of that. I'm sure you're gonna wanna hear that. So come back after the break on Mr. Biz radio,
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Right. Welcome back to the show again, we're talking with Matthew Diemer, he's running for Congress seventh congressional district in Ohio. And I wanted to talk a little bit about your campaign. Matthew is particularly one of the things that really stuck out as I was doing some prep for the show is, and, and even when I was asked you to be on the show is one of the thing in particular, I, that it doesn't matter which out side of the aisle you sit on. I think everyone would agree with, with this. There is, is a broken connection between people and government. Again, no matter what side you're on, it doesn't matter. I think everyone would agree with that. So what are some of your thoughts around that? And maybe some ways that we could help, you know bridge that gap,
You know, that's, that's a very good question I thought quite a bit about. And so the first thing I'm gonna do when I win this office is I'm gonna reach out to the Republicans and Democrat clubs of every city of every county. And I'm gonna give everybody into a room together and say, let's hash out some situations and make solutions for the district. I think that one, the biggest problem with the disconnect between Washington and the people is that we think of Washington as something that disconnected, like, just like, like every Congressman runs as like a president, but what, it's not what, that's not what it's supposed to be, what it's supposed to be is this person that's running for your representative is supposed to represent this district. But for some reason we just lumped all Democrats and all Republicans into like a big, you know, box.
No matter if you're from Wyoming, Republican, or Ohio Republican, or a, a New York Democrat or Ohio Democrat, they're totally different. Culturally, you know, it's kinda like being a parliament in in the UK, you know, you're, you're, you, you have all these different parties and they work with each other to try to negotiate, to find out where we have coalitions to get things passed. And that's what the, the original people of, of the framers, the founders of the constitution thought it should be is that at Ohio Democrat and Ohio seven, shouldn't be thinking the same way as somebody from Brooklyn, right? It's, it's gonna be different. You have to have that negotiation and maybe a Republican Republican and a Democrat from Ohio would have to, you know, work together to be, to get something done and make, you know a coalition with somebody from Idaho or Wyoming maybe against say California, New York mm-hmm <affirmative>.
That was what it's supposed to be. And so what we're not we're having is we're not we're stopping that conversation. So first thing we're gonna do is we're going to sit everybody down and say, let's find solutions. Then I personally believe if we start hashing out those solutions and finding out defin what we're talking about and finding out how and what people want out of the representative for Ohio seventh, not for New York, not for LA, not for Texas, for Ohio seventh. I think at least for this district, we're gonna have a lot more satisfaction, because what happens is you have a Republican leading district, a Republican gets elected. You don't have to talk to what's is called 41% of the population, right there. There you go. Now you have 41% of people unhappy with your representative, right? There's no reason for that. Now, if I get elected, this it's gonna be probably 50% was it is a closed district.
It's a very split district very purple district. If I get elected, there's gonna be 49% of this district gonna be unhappy. If I don't talk to them, we have to talk to 'em. So if we come in with the idea in the, the, I guess, wants and necessity, to make sure that everybody is heard and at the table and talking about the solutions, I can't change Washington DC, but I can change Ohio seventh district. And I know that there's gonna be people on the right and the left that are gonna be like, we just don't like you anyway, you look at it, but there's gonna be 70% in the middle or 80% in the middle that go, at least he's listening. At least he's trying, at least he's talking, at least he's empathizing, at least he's understanding and bringing that to Washington. And I think that is how we start is bringing it back to the fundamentals of representing the people of your district, the way that it was intended to be.
I love it. I love it. Yeah, no, I, I, I feel that a hundred percent. And again, I think even, even aside from people in government, I think even within the government, the, the, the lines between the two parties are so divided now, and it's like, like, you'd mentioned, like, if, if someone's a Democrat, they don't even want to hear what a Republican has to say, no matter what you have coming outta your mouth, I don't wanna hear it. And vice versa, I mean, on the extreme ends, of course, but and I think that's a big problem too, cuz I know me as a, as a citizen becomes very frustrating to hear that it's like, geez, talk and figure this stuff out. I wanna men talk about something else. I know you had mentioned a little bit during the first segment about your time in China and some of the things you learned there and obviously having lived there for such a long time you know, you, one of your things you talk about in your campaign is, is helping the us out, compete China. So tell us a little bit about that.
One thing that I think a lot of people talk about, and I, first of all, I wanna just be I wanna steer away from dangerous rhetoric. Let's let's take on China. A lot of people say, let's take on China and that's aggressive. Look. Yeah, let's, let's, let's let's understand what China has done and I'm not defending China in any, any way or saying whatever. But what I am trying to say is a job of a government is to lift up support and make a good life for its people. And if they're pulling hundreds of million people out of poverty over the past couple, after the past, over the past 20, 30 years, they are achieving what they should be doing as a government, right? They're building infrastructure, they're giving jobs, cities are getting bigger. People are getting more money. They are achieving what they're supposed to be doing as a government, in my opinion.
And so no hate on you. I don't wanna live there. I have, I understand what's I don't wanna live there anymore, but now I, but I'm not gonna hate you for doing what that, so instead of saying, let's take on China, let's I'll compete China. So the rhetoric and the way that we're approaching this is very important. Now we have to figure out how do we do that? And first we have to understand the practices of China China's practices when it comes to imports, experts, trades, IP, and so on and so forth has always been unfair. And to say that to try to compete on a fair, free trade level with somebody who's not competing on that same or competing with the same rules is unfair innately mm-hmm <affirmative> let's understand that and let's make sure that we are either cutting them out of that free market.
And that's, that's part, part of convers competition because they're doing the same thing to us with currency manipulation, IP stealing huge taxes and tariffs on imports for certain goods and so on and so forth. So don't tell me that this it's a free market with them. It's not. So we have to make sure that we are playing on the same or just working with people that are working with the same rules when it comes to a global trade. The second is, is understanding what's coming up through in the future. And we have a lot of emerging tech, a lot of innovation, a lot of bio of new forms of energy and not just solar and wind. I know everybody's gonna be like, oh, solar wind, you, everybody, all Democrats say that, but fusion. I mean, there's, there's like literally you know, countries making little suns, you know, and that who knows what that's gonna turn into when, when that kind of like technology flushes itself out.
And so there's a lot of different things that we can be you know, focusing on when it comes to manufacturing and doing it here and making sure that this is the hub of batteries of, of infrastructure, of web three of, of, you know internet 5.0 or, you know, wifi 5.0 or whatever these different things that are coming up biotech. And if we do that and invest here, just like the trip manufacturer that's coming out outside of Columbus, actually. Yeah, I think that we are going to be able to lead into the late 21st and 22nd century. And that's how we Al compete China.
Yeah, no, I like it. I like it. And you know, that, I think the, you know, Intel coming into it's just outside of Columbus here, they just had a groundbreaking actually earliest week is gonna be tremendous. I mean, and I just, when I saw some of the thing, you know, you heard the announcement when it came out and then you hear some of the things and you're like, oh yeah, okay. But then you really start to hear some of these numbers and the impact. It's not just having Intel, a company like Intel come in to make a 20 billion investment. It's all the things you had mentioned, Matthew, all the infrastructures associated with that, all the housing that's gonna be created, that's necessary, all of that stuff. That's gonna necessary as you have, you know, all these people are gonna be working there. And, and as they're building all these multiple sites and everything, I think it's gonna be tremendous. And I think that is a, a way to help do that.
I mean, the they're looking at pulling 7,000 tradesmen from all over, not only just Ohio, but off the coast to try to build this, we're talking about jobs looking at 125,000 to 150,000 or plus a year to work in electrical or plumbing or construction in some for we have the universities as well are getting a huge influx of cash from Intel. And that's just not the Ohio state you know, a big state school, but we're talking about Kent state community college and so forth to try to train people up in this job for us or workforce at this plan is going to need. And we're not even talking about the bars, the restaurants, the babysitters, the you know, the nightlife, all these different things that are gonna come out of this. This is huge. And so if we take that, I guess, mentality across the board, across industries, across all the things that we lost and things that we see coming down of innovations and put them into the states, just like Ohio, man, we're gonna create an amazing future for America, but we gotta start and we have to be focused just like China is on getting that done.
I think we can do it.
Yeah. I love it. Yeah. I think that's definitely a great plan and a great idea on how to do that. So again, this week we've been talking with Matthew Diemer, find more a diemerforcongress.com. It's diemerforcongress.com it's D I E M E R Matthew. Thank you so much for coming on the show. Really appreciate it.
Absolutely. Thank you.
Yeah, absolutely. Well guys, thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Have a great weekend as always don't forget cash flow is king
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